Challenges and Programs
40 Min Single Kettlebell Workout
Warm Up/Cool Down
Train Alongside Jodi and her clients/trainers
Sign Up Today!

Want to get back to eating healthier with great recipes? If so this is for you! Purchase our Clean Eat Guide and email us your current weight and we will connect with you and send you your guide. This is about becoming aware of what you are eating and looking at your training and how to develop a healthy active lifestyle!
After your purchase I need you to do one thing... email me your weight so I can send you the proper guide for your best results!
So excited for you to train this! Building up every time you train it! Starting without weight! Option to switch it up starting with kettlebell then with the body weight!!
Join our challenge and start moving your body today!

Get warmed up then jump into this Glute Burn. You can split it in half 10 mins or train the Full 20 Minutes... I know I said 10 minutes but I got excited and YOU got 20 minutes!!
Get started with our 20 Minute Glute Burn today for only $4.99!
Join us to work on increasing your mobility and movement, and helping your body do what you want it to do. Train all or part of our new Mobility program every day as part of this challenge, and watch what a difference it makes! Our program will guide you through exercises in sections focused on different parts of the body, both upper and lower!Upper Body & Thoracic RegionUpper Back & Scapular Region & Foot StretchSpinal Movement & Thoracic & Core StabilizersHip Flexors & Lower Back & Foot/Ankle Mobility (Piriformis & Psoas Muscles)Buy the Mobility program directly or take advantage of our special promotion and get access to it FREE when you sign up for our 3 month membership service!
Join our challenge and start moving your body today!

Train your core with our favourite training tool, the kettlebell! You will need 1 kettlebell (mine I used was my 8 kg (17lbs). The program includes Warm Up, KETTLEBELL HEAT, and Cool Down! 34 mins of BURN!
Get started with our Kettlebell Heat program today for only $19.97!
What goes better with core than glutes! Join us for a 20-minuted guided workout directed at both your core and glutes, and then stick around afterward for bonus exercises! No kettlebells are needed, but if you love them as we do, you can use them for the bonus exercises!
Get started on your core and glutes today for only $19.97!

Join me in a little exercise: Let’s begin at the end. How do you see yourself in 7 days from now? In 4 weeks? How about 6 months from now? Take a moment and visualize you may not have a kettlebell but this can be your first STEP - no kettlebell needed!
Give yourself the gift of an amazing core with our Abs bundle! For a limited time we are offering a special bundle of all of our Series 1 and Series 2 ABSolute ABS pricing, and not only are you getting a great price, but we are also adding bonus content on top of it! Purchase now and receive bonus abs and nutrition books along with your purchase!
Start your journey to an amazing core today for only $89.99!

Introducing the Kettlebell which is particularly good at sculpting a slim waistline because the odd shape causes the weight to be distributed unevenly. Your core muscles are continuously engaged throughout every motion to control the bell’s shifting center of gravity!
Get started with our classic abs program today for only $19.97!
Our original no kettlebell abs workout. A 20-minute guided workout including a warmup and cooldown, focussed entirely on your core.
Get started with our classic abs program today for only $19.97!

Okay… Go ahead and sweat it out with these Kettlebell Exercises that will challenge and engage your core Strength!
For this program you ONLY need one kettlebell or dumbbell.We advise you begin with a 10-15lb as a beginner / 20-25 as an advanced practitioner. Every Kettlebell Kickboxing program is designed to produce incredible results through a unique combination of KB trademark motions, structures and time intervals. Get started for only $19.97!

We all know that martial arts is good for learning to defend yourself, however what folks don’t give martial arts enough credit for is its ability to not only adapt to its practitioner but to also provide an incredible means of getting in shape!
Get started with our Fundamentals of Martial Arts Movement today!
Mommy Strong ~ Post Natal Training with Mel Hagn
Get started with our Clean Eating Guide now for only $19.99!

Join Jodi every other Tuesday for 30 mins of a fun workshop to review and learn! This workshop is Free to her online clients and $5.00 for non-members! Once you sign up zoom links will be sent Will connect at 5:30 pm, CST Regina, Saskatchewan time!
Sign Up Today!
Looking to up your kettlebell game for yourself or your clients? Our online certification is the place to start! Refine your techniques on the most important lifts, learn how to safely teach these lifts to others, and learn how to identify and correct the most common faults. Along with the certification you get access to our KBI manual, and access to Jodi for questions and clarification as you go through your certification process!
Level yourself up with our Kettlebell Instructor KBI certification today for only $365.50!