Jessica Soodeen

Calgary, Canada

May 09 at 10:38 AM

In 1994 I was in Nfld and a comment was made to me about my appetite. Mostly that I ate a LOT! And next was that "at my age of 20 years old", in their opinion, my habits would dictate my entire life's body weight... like forever! It's something I will never forget, and neither does that person cuz we've talked about it, and now they are obese.

Breaks my heart because it's someone I love however,  I'm SO SO glad that I didn't take it to heart and focused on how I felt and how the fit of my clothes changed as opposed to the scale number.

VULNERABLE MOMENT ALERT - all that being said, very few people will ever see what my actual stomach looks like. Yup, I do "constant ab work" because I'm always (95% of the time) sucking it in! Been doing that the last 10 years ish.

Now I wonder if it was that day at the boardwalk that started this behaviour.

May 09 at 10:24 AM

WILL DO!!! Got some errands this morning DONE, next is the weekly shopping, some emails and then I'll do yesterday's live and REPORT BACK!!! 

Btw, you had me at spicy abs... I'll post why that gets me every time in the other thread about body image... 

May 07 at 10:46 AM

I hope to see Jacquie Brennan cuz I've been missing her b/c of not hoping on the lives. I'm going to switch my sched around a bit, see if I can make one this week!

TODAY I did Monday's and it was super special to hear a shout out from Jodi about me teasing about a video... just gotta trim a bit.... will post shortly

May 06 at 10:50 AM

should we post the video of my literally doing swings with a carry-on? 😁🤣

May 06 at 08:22 AM

If I may share.... my breakfast routine changed to a consistent 2 meals and I'd say confidently that I changed the first half of my day! And increased my brain function. I used to tell myself that I simply wasn't hungry in the morning... once I started eating a little bit in the morning, I opened the door to nourishing my body almost first thing!

Meal 1 - Alpen Musli No Sugar Added in the blue box. Often cheap at Real Cnd Superstore, or sometimes on Amazon. I add 1 tsp of chia seed, 1 tbsp of ground or whole flax, and if avail 1 tsp of hemp heart seed. Strangely delish is putting ginger and tumeric... that's new. Add fruit: either blueberries, apple diced, or banana.

Meal 2 - 2 medium boiled eggs on 12 grain toast with avocado; or a quick fry of onion, garlic, any left overs from supper, and 2 eggs. Depending on the left overs, sometimes I skip the toast. Ie, if it's a veggie soup, I'll drain and drink the soup part then chuck the veggies into the pan and throw a couple eggs on!


May 03 at 06:26 AM

Jodi and community here.... I'm currently in Costa Rica! I am committed to working out Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday. I tend to do house work first thing out of bed as I wait for my decaf pot to brew, soooooo.... this will be replaced with some mobility and abs. Gonna do some swinging with handweights. That's what I have available here!

Favorite snack... hmm, beet humous, 

May 02 at 10:20 AM

And how!!!! I'm IN! I'll be committing here to 4 days!

May 01 at 08:28 AM

I'm IN!!!!!

My commitment is to workout in the mornings, min every 2 day! More on the rest of my commitment and answers to the questions later on today!


Apr 10 at 10:46 AM

Oh I'll be there!!!


Apr 03 at 05:52 PM