Ardella H

Jun 08 at 07:00 PM

This video link doesn’t work for me. Is it only available for certain subscription?

Jun 05 at 08:57 PM

Done. Moves move familiar than last time.

- still a child in slow motion figuring out that punch, knee, leg switch move. Haha

- Still like the last set of ab work in the bonus section.

Today felt harder for two reasons… 1) was still digesting my dinner. 2) abs a bit fatigued from yesterday.

Jun 04 at 04:30 PM

Completed… and felt the core for sure. Used 5lbs dumbbell but dropped it by the end. 🤷‍♀️ definitely feel the urge to arch the back so the back reminders were definitely helpful.

Jun 04 at 04:14 PM

Jodi 🤣love the gif… that was exactly it haha

Jun 03 at 06:07 PM

Completed. Enjoyed the class. Was a little fast paced for me - I felt like an infant trying to catch a ball - a bit delayed - but was getting better as I was catching on … and then it was over. Otherwise great. Really liked the bonus ab work with the weights and the hover knees to plank pushup.

Jun 02 at 08:34 AM

Ardella, from Calgary. Can’t pick one…Fav summer foods - the berries: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries | garden fresh food..peas off the vine, fresh carrots, mmmm so flavourful.