Happy Canada Day!!!
Lisa Berezowsky
Jul 01 at 01:16 PM
Jun 30 at 08:53 PM
I just wanted to share that this challenge made me start thinking about easy changes to my lifestyle what things I used to do pre-pregnancy that were mentally and physically healthy for me. I realized I haven’t had my evening cup of herbal tea in a while. 🍵 Every evening I would relax with a cup of tea to unwind. Today is now day 3 of this new ritual with a hot cup of roobios tea. What teas are your favourite? Share below 👇🏼 #kbkbstrong
Jun 30 at 05:56 PM
I did the beginning of the live June 27 workout then went for a walk around town.
Looking back over June Abs - I can do so so much more everyday activities and chores without core weakness or pain now. It feels fantastic! 💪
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
Jun 30 at 06:58 AM
Did a long walk in the +29 heat. Worked up a good sweat. Mom and I did a good pace to get a bit of cardio.
Jun 28 at 06:47 PM
The Morning Mobility felt absolutely great, especially with a baby I feel like I hunch over a lot so the arms back and opening the chest felt AMAZING 🤩
ReTest I did so so much better from the start of June. I can now do 11 good form pushups from my knees (compared to 5 poor form ones at the start). Yay!
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
Jun 27 at 11:06 AM
Got about 13 minutes in and had to call it because I was being climbed on, my hair pulled, being scratched because apparently my baby really really wants to be held (even though she was happily playing earlier 🙄). Will try to do the rest this evening if I have some time after repairing the oven.
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
Jun 26 at 05:38 PM
Earlier in June: 1 min, 4 sec
Today: 1 min, 10 sec. (I think I can do longer so I will try again on a day when my low back isn’t sore from yoga and doing a bunch of yard work all afternoon, my low back stopped me today).
Jun 26 at 05:16 PM
Start of June: 24 sec
Last week: 1 min, 52 sec
Today: 2 min, 38 sec ‼️!!! 👏
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
Jun 26 at 03:17 PM
I got some decent sleep so I was able to do more balance postures, side planks, and push myself a bit more today. Got a but dizzy from the heat in the last 5-7 minutes of class but was happy with crushing the first 52 min.
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
Jun 24 at 04:35 PM
Friday was a busy day of cleaning 🧹 🧽 Got about 17 minutes of today’s workout in before a very fussy baby screaming for me to stop. Sigh…. 17 min is better than nothing I guess. My kitchen is a disaster so no space to make healthy meals this morning but did have some kale salad from a salad kit 🤷🏻♀️
@kettlebellkickboxingcanada #kbkbstrong
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